Loyalty Unity Togetherness



Inception Club Membership System 

Individuals who understand club values can become members. Membership can be done with the reference of one of the inception club 777 full members. People who do not have a reference cannot become a member of the inception club.

Inception Club Transaction System 

There are 7 presidents and their duties are to support and pave the way for 77 permanent members. The duty of the 77 full members is to guide the 777 full members and to create fraternal bonds by strictly controlling them. There are 10 classes among 777 main members, each class consists of 77, each class socializes among themselves and supports each other in commercial matters. and these 10 classes always progress from their rank and position, this progress goes up to being one of the 7 presidents. the member sees different opportunities and supports in each class on the way to progress, and the support the member receives paves the way for his other brothers to progress. over time, he realizes the value of his loyalty and raises individuals who are useful to his society. 7777 new members, they are trained here at inception club school to understand club values and with some information and questions. Some of them pass the inception club school successfully, some continue to study and receive education. 7777 new members who pass the school gain the right to become a full member in the classification system and join the inception family. They decide for themselves how they want to proceed in this process.

Understanding and Recognizing Inception Club 

The core value of the club is that it secretly establishes a position in the new world system in its own hierarchy. there is an awareness of the strength of unity, loyalty, sharing and helping. The main value in this awareness is to create loyal, respectful and trusting brothers. It is a matter of one’s memer at every opportunity to be with him in the social field, in the business areas, in the sense of commercial and sharing. Support and unity is what is expected from the presidents and full members of the Inception club. It is necessary and one of the basic issues to see the distress of a member as his own trouble. This club, which was founded 20 years ago, was established by calculating socialization in those years. It currently has a total of 4750 members in 70 countries. The number of target members of the club is limited to 7777. Our mission is that success will not come to you without struggle in life. we fight together 7 presidents 77 permanent members 777 members 7777 new members




The inception club is one of the most curious and speculated institutions in the world. One of the important reasons for this is that the inception club is closed to non-members, that is, only its members can attend its meetings. It is a fact that non-members are not admitted to the meetings, even as guests, as is practiced in many non-governmental organizations, and the meetings are only for members.
Another reason is the secrets that he is thought to have and therefore much speculation It is also true that the inception club has its own secrets. However, these secrets emerged as a professional organization and are issues related to symbols and allegories. These secrets, which have been kept with great care throughout history, and the information described as secrets, have been seen from time to time in the books sold in second-hand booksellers and have come to the surface. Today, it is possible to access everything and get all kinds of information on the internet, but especially in the internet environment, besides the correct information, there is also false and deliberate information at the same rate.
For those who wonder the truth, “inception club is the establishment of fraternal bonds between all people, those who believe in the supreme creator and the immortality of the soul; It is a structure established by people who want to devote themselves to the purposes of humanity’s progress in freedom and harmony and to the search for truth.
Respect for human personality;
To work for the good of all people;
Freedom and moral responsibility of the person;
Equality of human rights and duties
Respect for science
Set as a principle.
inception club accepts the freedom of conscience, belief, and thought of its members. It chooses its members from among free, good moral, honest, honorable, and intellectual people within the framework of centuries-old traditions, regardless of religion, sect, race, language, belief, and social status. He does not accept those who do not adhere to any faith and ideal. Inception club does not force anyone to become a member in any way, and inception club leaves its members free to leave whenever they wish.
are committed to the principles of humanity and moral development.
As citizens of the inception club, they have to obey the laws of their country and serve their country with honor. Every member is loyal to his homeland. He considers it a sacred duty to protect the benefits, independence and freedom, peace and order of his country.





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